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Supervision of PHD students

propagation of waves through multiple scattering media

control the energy density inside the medium

Chaotic reveberation chambers

Antenna characterization and radar cross-section measurements

Cross-correlation of random wavefields

Passive imaging using thermal radiations

Propagation through a random slabs and matrix inversion

Radar cross-section measurements

3D SAR tomography

Imaging of snow covers

2013-2016           Badreddine Rekouia “ 3D SAR imaging of snowpack”


2014-2017           Stefania Bucuci  “Radar cross-section measurements with random media »


2015-2018           Christopher Tondo Yoya “Passive imaging using cross-correlation of thermal noise in the microwave range”



Postdoc at Institut Langevin

Green’s function retrieval in microwaves from wideband correlation of thermal noise.

2010 - 2011

Postdoc in Queens College, New York

Team of Azi Genack: study of transmission through disordered media in the diffusive and localized regimes.


PHD degree, University of Paris Diderot

“Amplification of electromagnetic waves and Imaging by time reversal methods in the microwave range”. Supervision: Mathias Fink & Julien de Rosny.

Université de Rennes 1

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