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Universal structure of transmission eigenchannels inside opaque media

Controlling the distribution of energy inside disordered materials for applications such as depth profiling or enhanced nonlinear interactions is a tantalizing prospect that has been frustrated by multiple scattering. There has been considerable recent progress in controlling net transmission and focusing through scattering media by utilizing measurements of transmission, but corresponding measurements of the field inside a random sample are generally not possible. Only the result of the diffusion equation is known. Here we find a universal expression for the average energy density profile inside the medium in specific eigenchannels of the transmission matrix. In 1984 Dorokhov gave a complete description of conductance and transmission in disordered systems in terms of the eigenvalues of the transmission matrix that gather together the field transmission coefficients between input and output modes of the sample. However, this result is mute regarding the energy distribution inside the sample.

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Davy, M., Shi, Z., Park, J., Tian, C. & Genack, A. Z. Universal structure of transmission eigenchannels inside opaque media. Nat. Commun. 6 (2015).

Université de Rennes 1

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